Our Mission
To develop and empower Spirit Filled Christian leaders in El Salvador through training and partnerships to establish and lead vibrant and effective churches. Churches that impact the total life of their members through: effective preaching of the gospel, empowering people through biblical principles, and establishing sustainable programs that uplift the members of the community.
Partner with Bishop Davis
We invite those who believe in the work Bishop Herbert Reynolds Davis is doing in the country of El Salvador to prayerfully consider partnering with us over the next twelve months. You can give monthly or all at once. Your seed will help us with leadership development, training of pastors, sustaining churches, educating youth, addressing poverty, transforming communities and prayerfully help us secure a jurisdictional headquarters in the country.

Leadership Summit
We invite you to join us at our 2025 Leadership Summit.

Missions Experience

Bible Institute

Jurisdictional Leaders

Bishop Herbert R. Davis
Jurisdictional Prelate

Tymeka Y. Whiteside
Jurisdictional Supervisor